I live in Poland but don’t have a chance to speak Polish!
Nobody around is patient enough to speak Polish with me!
I want to practice my Polish outside the classroom!
I’m too shy to start speaking Polish with anybody else than my teacher.
Is it one of the reasons you don’t feel comfortable speaking Polish?
Because for us this what we’ve heard many times (too many times!) from people who are learning Polish… And this is how we get to the idea of creating the Polish Cafe.
Polish Cafe is an event held by us in Poznań during which you get the opportunity to meet Polish native speakers ready to talk only in Polish with you. You also get a chance to meet other foreigners and share your learning experience about learning Polish and living in Poland.
Polish Café is a meeting place for people who learn Polish (all levels are welcomed), would like to learn, or come back to learning Polish. It’s also a place where you will learn a lot about Polish people and culture. We meet here to talk in Polish but also to support, inspire and get to know each other in a friendly atmosphere.

We focus here on learning in an easy-going way: through meeting new people, listening to fascinating stories, asking and answering surprising questions, and exercising your brain. We believe that this way we can connect with people, challenge stereotypes and overcome prejudice.
Can you imagine a better place to practice your Polish skills?
So come to the Polish Café! It’s a perfect place for you.
Meetings are always led by a Polish language teacher who is there to guide, advise, and help you and also to provide different types of language tasks and games.
We meet twice a month, Fridays, at 6.00 pm at Pora Dnia (coffee shop downtown – Wilda district).
To stay updated and connected with our community join our FB group Poznań Polish Cafe. https://www.facebook.com/groups/387316058546460
Do zobaczenia na Polish Cafe!
For a sneak peek watch our videos taken at those events!