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Self-study materials for learning the Polish language
Матеріали для самостійного вивчення польської мови
Uczę się polskiego!
Self-study materials for learning the Polish language
Матеріали для самостійного вивчення польської мови
Nominative singular! With that case starts the whole journey through the Polish declination system. To not get lost you need to know how to recognize genders in Polish. Let me take you there!
Accusative plural is a mix of cases you probably already know well! Check out what they are.
Are you sure when to say oni and when one? Plural forms may be tricky… So let’s learn more about them!
Let’s have a look at how to create plural forms of nouns that are not male personal. That may be a relief.. after the struggle with male personal words.
Idealni rodzice? Cierpliwi, kochający, troskliwi, mądrzy? This time I will introduce to you some plural male personal forms of adjectives!
Male personal plural forms! How to create them? They may be a little bit confusing. Check out how to deal with them!
Polish Cafe… what it could be? Any guess? What is the first thing coming to your mind? Let’s check it out!
Miło mi poznać! That phrase is one of the first you learn in a Polish language course. Did you know that there is the Dative case hidden?
Dative is a little bit shy case… not a star and mostly needs some company. Don’t forget about him! Help him to be more present in your Polish!
The Locative case is a case associated with describing a place. Which is true! But you can also use it to express much more! Check it out and learn a little bit more about that case!