Learn Polish in Polish from the very start!

Are you looking for a Polish language course?

Check out what we have for you!


Polish for Companies

We have been working with companies in Poznań and the surrounding area since 2010. We understand the special requirements of business clients.


Customized courses

If you already know how to learn languages and know the methods that work for you, contact us - we will create a learning programme just for you!

karolina sołtowska & justyna gola

Polish For You began in 2010 as a result of friendship and a passion for teaching.

Having had several years of experience in teaching, we decided to build a school together. Giving our clients the chance to learn Polish and, consequently, to experience Poland and meet Poles, gives us a lot of satisfaction and constantly inspires us.

They trusted us:

conversations in polish

Polish Cafe

Polish For You is much more than a language school: it is a meeting place of cultures to which we invite Polish native speakers. Meeting with us, you will be able to communicate not only with Poles, but also with people from all around the world who want to learn Polish, share their experience of living in Poland, support and inspire each other. We focus on learning in a fun way: through meeting new people, listening to fascinating stories, asking and answering surprising questions, and exercising your brain. We believe that this way we can connect with people, challenge stereotypes and overcome prejudice.

How do we teach?

Our students’ testimonials

“Polish is difficult and Polish For You knows that well enough. The school did everything to make me speak Polish (the start is the worst!) and taught me how not to get discouraged by my mistakes. I am a doctor and without the ability to communicate in Polish it would be very difficult for me.”

Sama Yuri Kweti

“I am a regular participant of Polish Cafe. There I meet  Poznan residents of all ages and of any profession and talk with them about a variety of topics. It’s great that Polish For You noticed the learners’ needs to practice Polish with native speakers.” 

Anna Galushka

“Anecoop has been working with Polish For You for over 10 years. We can highly recommend the school and the school’s founders, Karolina and Justyna, who know how to organize a great course at the company’s premises. They support the participants, and their staff are experienced and competent.”

diego gimenez

Do you want to read about learning Polish?

Check out our blog!

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Jak uczyć się polskiego za free z Polish For You?

Uczę się polskiego!
Self-study materials for learning the Polish language
Матеріали для самостійного вивчення польської мови

Czytaj dalej
Blog EN

ON – ONA – ONO? Genders in Polish!

Nominative singular! With that case starts the whole journey through the Polish declination system. To not get lost you need to know how to recognize genders in Polish. Let me take you there!

Czytaj dalej
Blog EN

Accusative plural

Accusative plural is a mix of cases you probably already know well! Check out what they are.

Czytaj dalej


Are you looking for materials to learn Polish?

In our store you will find workbooks  that are sets of exercises in electronic form.

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